Thursday, April 5, 2012

Between test tantrums and teacher exhaustion

In the midst of testing a glimmer of hope comes from my students.  No, not from their mathematical, writing, or reading prowess but from the bottom of their hearts.  My kids, despite how frustrating these tests are for them, have all been showing up to school on time and ready to test.  And a tiny miracle may have happened between a child and I today.  A student that struggles with academics as well as behavior came in today early and brought me a brand new bar of soap from his house.  I know that's a big deal because his family doesn't have all the money in the world so I thanked him and told him I have some soap at home.  He told me to keep it for the classroom, since I said that we were running low yesterday.  Kindness and generosity from a child that doesn't know much of that at home.  It made me smile from ear to ear and warmed my heart.

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