Friday, February 24, 2012

If you were a sleep I'd be a dream... whereever's your heart there I'd be...

I am sitting here at my teacher desk surrounded by piles of things that could/should/need to be done.  Motivation has been absent from me this past week.  There are probably several different factors causing this to happen...
  1. Exhaustion... I think I've hit my plateau of how much my body, mind, and emotions can handle.  It's exhausting, rewarding yes... but exhausting, to be a teacher.  ESPECIALLY a first year teacher.  Especially a first year teacher living 4000 miles away from her norm.  I can't just drive to starbucks to get my caffeine buzz early in the morning.  I can't go to the local gym, unless you count the gymnasium with NO workout equipment.  I can't just drive to my boyfriend or best friend's place to have a good vent or cry... But... I soldier on.  I keep late hours, work my mind, body, and soul to the breaking point and now it's hitting me.  But a weekend of sleep and productivity should help a bit.
  2. "Spring Break".... To me this is kind of funny, because our spring break is a 4 day weekend that is in the middle of March, and the tundra, rivers, and ground will still be absolutely frozen solid.  The kids can feel it approaching and so can I.  I'm counting down the days because once it starts that's when Nate will make his way up here.  So excited!  But alas, prepping for his visit and the anticipation is causing me to stress and keep busy.
  3. Lent... Don't get me wrong.  I LOVE my God.  I love my Savior.  I love being a Christian... but it really is difficult to give up something in remembrance for Christ.  I decided because I signed up for a 5K this summer (The Color Run), I will give up my biggest comfort up here.  Junk food.  I haven't had chips, candy, or fried foods since Wednesday.  Easy for some, maybe... but up here junk food and processed foods are the only real readily available options.  Plus I am one that tends to eat my feelings. Happy... I eat.  Sad... I eat.  Mad... I eat.  :)  Get the picture?  So my body seems to be rebelling from not having the constant sugar/carb intake it's used to.  But it's worth it. Every time I have the urge to eat the M&Ms sitting on my desk for my kiddos I'm reminded of Christ.  Candy or Savior?  I'd say Savior wins out every time.
Apologies for the whiny post.  Kind of felt like readers needed an accurate account of how things are going here.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

And for a while I will take it day by day...

Around Halloween I happened upon a dog that’d been sticking around the school begging for shelter, food, and love.  I couldn’t say no to the poor thing laying on our gym floor one afternoon, so I picked it up and brought it home with me.  Before that fateful day, however, I’d already been approached by some of the wrestling girls to get a puppy from their dog’s upcoming litter.  I couldn’t say no to them either.  So for 4 months I’ve had 2 little dogs under my feet and making messes all over.  I named them Ranger and Lil (Ranger because he was the rescued puppy and Lil because she was absolutely tiny when I got her.) Unfortunately, about 2 weeks ago Ranger started acting a bit lethargic and listless.  Within 2 days he got really sick and passed away.  Village dogs tend to not live long out here, even in the best situations due to lack of vet care and random acts of violence.  On the bright-side, Lil has been doing fine since Ranger’s death and makes my evenings and weekends all the more fun.

Another favorite is online time, primarily spent on social networking sites, Pinterest, and skyping friends and the boyfriend.  I would say I am fairly well connected to people back home thanks to technology.  Without it, I doubt if I’d really know what all is happening outside of major world events.  As for Pinterest, I can easily say, “Hello, my name is Dorothy and I’m an addict.”  I can’t help but fall in love with all the great creative ideas that I find perusing that site.  Most of my pins involve teaching, so I feel it’s a justified waste of time. ;)  I’ve even gotten some great use of the ideas in the classroom already.

  And finally, on a regular basis after dinners Eli and  I put on Dexter just to decompress from our crazy days.  He always claims the recliner and I curl up with a blanket on the coach.  Sometimes it’s nice just to turn off the brain and just watch something.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

You put your arms around me and I'm home...

Christmas Break  in Florida and Indiana

            I got in the day before Christmas Eve, which meant I was able to get in much needed last minute shopping.  J  God bless malls open the eve of a major holiday.  I spent more than I ever had in my life.  And that’s okay, because for the first time I had the money to really get my family, friends, and loved ones what they deserved.  Plus… I realized how much just being around these people made me happy.  Enjoyed my joint Christmas celebrations with Nate’s family and my own.  Always love opening presents with family.  That will probably never ever change.

            The day after Christmas was spent packing and traveling to Florida.  I was blessed to have the opportunity to spend a week with Nate’s family with their grandparents in their beautiful Florida summer home.  Lots of time was spent on the beach, shuffle boarding, shopping, and lounging around.  My favorite moments had to be the ones where I got to just be calm, quiet, and relaxed.  Guess that’s what a vacation is for eh?
Nate and I even managed a fancy dinner date in during the week. 
 On New Year’s Eve the family went to  Busch Gardens.  I spent the day riding roller coasters and seeing all sorts of animals.  I ABSOLUTELY LOVE riding rollercoasters!  And with Nate’s brother and dad, I was in great company.  There was even a fireworks show that night at midnight.  What a great way to ring in the New Year.

 During my final week of break I spent driving all over central Indiana visiting friends and family that I’d missed this past year in Alaska.  Grabbing lunches with gal pals from freshman year.  Starbucks gab fests with a fellow former RA staff member and friend.  Lunch and planning session with a fellow woman of God.  Chipotle with my favorite little man and best friend.  I even got in a slumber party with my bestie complete with future planning, pinteresting, and slushies.  It was sooo good to see people that I love. 

The day before I left it was more family, Shelly, and Nate time.  I cried when I was saying goodbye to everyone… I think it’s because this time it’s not as easy saying goodbye.  I know the adventure I was heading back to.  And I’d tasted what it’s like back home again.  But spring break (THE WEEK NATE WILL VISIT) and summer break (MEXICO MISSION TRIP/BUCKET LISTING) are on their way!