Lots of big life changes have happened during the 2013-2014 school year, but to save you from a really long and boring post I decided to create a top 5 list.
August 8, 2014 had to be on my top 5, because it was the day I helped welcome my nephew into this world. Talk about life changing moments... After nearly 12 hours of labor my little sister was told that she would have to have a c-section. Scary stuff even for her big sister to hear. My mom and I decided that I would get to go in for the surgery and mom would be in the nursery waiting. You can't tell in the picture of me in the hospital gear, but I was shaking from nerves. I managed to keep my cool and help my sister bring baby B into the world. When we first started hearing his cries I teared up and started singing "Happy Birthday" and to my surprise... so did everyone else in the delivery room! That little boy has become my world since then.
Around the same time my sister was having her baby I was adopting my fur baby. Meet Khal Kitty, named after one of my favorite books/tv shows. He's my favorite thing about coming home from teaching and my furry alarm clock.
I would be a terrible blogger if I didn't include the Indiana Blogger Meet Up in my top 5 memorable moments! It was hosted by the two most amazing and thoughtful bloggers Holly from Kindergarten Connections and Greg from Kindergarten Smorgasboard. Shout out for all their hardwork and the awesome style both of them were rocking! It was great to spend time with all of my favorite people in the world... teacher bloggers! I have become super close with the ladies in the picture: Amy from Math, Science, Social Studies Oh My, Krea from Learning in Progress, Brenda from Primary Inspired, Jenny from Luckey's Lilypad, Ciera from Adventures of Room 129, Heather from Teaching Through Turbulence, and Nicole from All Things Apple In 2nd. I even walked away with some awesome swag with a Vera Bradley bag filled with Scentos (amazing art products!), Jamberry (neat manicuring company), and classroom decorations from Creative Teaching Press (Can you say new classroom theme anyone?).
If you've been following me for a while, you will know that there is a special guy in this blogger's life. He's been my rock, cheerleader, and best friend for 3.5 years. This year was a big one for him because he was finishing his OWN teaching degree. (Side Note: Isn't funny how teachers usually end up with other teachers?) I was so proud of him this May because he's joining his family and me in the teaching legacy of 3 generations.
Yes! You just read correctly, yours truly got engaged this school year. Mr. R managed to surprise yours truly with a Christmas tree with a special message "Will you MERRY me?" *cue awwwwwws*
He then got down on his knee and said "You've made me happy for the past 3 and a half years. I want you to make me happy for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" How could a girl say no??!
So that's what you missed from me during the 2013-2014 school year. I promise *CROSS MY HEART* that I will be better this coming school year because I truly missed blogging about my classroom. Since there's been a lot of changes for me as a teacher, I've got a big teaching and blogging announcement to make soon!