This is post one. I apologize ahead of time for the length.
Post one means... this is my first time writing about my move to and living in Alaska. In case you hadn't heard by means of mouth or social networking sites, I applied for and got offered a 3/4 grade teaching position in Atmautlauk, Alaska.
The questions I've been asked:
"Are you serious?": Yes, I'm serious about this. I do plan on picking up and moving from Indiana and making a life in Alaska for a little while.
"How'd you hear about this/ get the job?": Before graduation I attended a job fair in Danville, Indiana. That morning when I was getting ready I saw my binder from interviewing for student teaching and decided to bring it, even though we all know how interviewers hate stuff like that.
While at the job fair I noticed a booth that wasn't completely bombarded with prospective teachers. It was for Alaska. I decided it wouldn't hurt to introduce myself and maybe get a "practice interview". The gentleman told me all his slots were taken... but he'd squeeze me in during his lunch break. When I sat down he did the normal get to know me questions and asked about my experience with technology, diversity, etc. Then he asked what was something I'd done that was exciting with 3/4 graders. REWIND back to when I said I'd brought my binder... Junior year our class was required to come up with reading and writing lessons about sled dogs. My kids wrote a How to Raise and Breed Sled Dogs for Dummies book! Perfect, right?!
I got a call back from the district 2 days later asking for me to file a full length application. With graduation and open-houses, I was incredibly busy... but they kept calling. I turned in the application and within 3 days I received a phone call from the assistant superintendent. I was the #1 candidate for the job! A few days later I'd talked via phone and email with the principal 5 times. Then there was silence for about a week span of time. With 2 days left before my mission trip to Mexico and vacation to San Diego, I decided to call and ask about the status of my application. No answer from the superintendent. Spoke with the principal, who by the way told me I was her #1 pick! Left a message with the HR department. Waited 4 more hours and found a voice-mail with the official job offer!
"Where is this place and where are you living?" Above is the picture of the town I'll be living. I've been placed in an apartment across the street from the school. The town is itty bitty with few roads, cars, stores, etc. Think of the Mayberry from the Andy Griffith show and think smaller. When I get there I promise to take pictures and email my address to those who want to send care packages from the Lower 48.
"When are you leaving?" As of right now I'm looking at leaving the last week of July. My contract requires that I am in Alaska on August 1. I think it'd be good for me to be there at least 3 days before then to get my things ready and moved in before training. I do not have an absolute date set out... merely because of ticket prices. $576 is the lowest one way ticket I've seen. :/
"Can we hangout before you leave?" Of course. Unless I don't like you... but you wouldn't be reading my blog before then. I'll keep everyone posted on my final plans for leaving and if you want to spend time before my departure feel free to message/text/fb/tweet... And who knows I might end up having a going away party for myself. ;)
There are probably a million other questions people have... but I have already spent too long staring at my computer screen. Again this is only post one... of many many many more to come. I think I shall set a goal to post at least once a week while I'm actually in Alaska.
Now... as Bruce once sang, "Baby You Were Born to Run". Time for me to wash clothes from Mexico and San Diego, as well as get ready for Independence Day.